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Youth Ministry

Here at Cedar Grove Lutheran Church, we are driven to bringing our youth together in a life of faithful, Christ- centered fellowship. Each Sunday our youth gather at 9:30 am in a nurturing space where they study the Bible and share their accomplishments and concerns with each other. Throughout the year they participate in many events that encourage youth and adults to build meaningful relationships with God and with each other, exploring their faith and providing them with Biblical direction to live a Christ-filled life.

Youth at fair_edited

Christian Education

Christian education is an important part of Cedar Grove's ministry in helping to teach everyone to receive, embrace, grow and share God's word with others. We have classes for everyone and are always looking for ways to innovate. Sometimes, we have intergenerational classes with families and all ages praying, talking and singing together. Our adults may engage in discussions about scripture, contemporary culture and their faith journey during Bible study. Our youth may do activities and have conversations about how their faith intersects with their lives. Our children may do crafts, sing, or have snacks during Bible storytime. ​As one of our members is known for saying, "Sunday is school is where you get your meat and potatoes, and worship is the gravy on top." We hope you'll join us during this time to dig deep in the Word and build relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ.​

We also have a vibrant Vacation Bible School ministry every summer. Attendants enjoy a meal, music, games, Bible study, videos and so much more. Stay tuned for details about VBS 2022!


We acknowledge that the faith formation of our young people is integral to the future of the church. From the time we baptize our infants through early elementary school, from catechism and confirmation through graduation, we believe in supporting the spiritual growth of our children.

Teddy's baptism
children's sermon
1st Communion
confirmands 3
Graduates 2
Youth Activities
Choir anthem
Virtual singing

Music Ministry

The music ministry at Cedar Grove has a strong history of providing beautiful and meaningful music -- whether through our traditional adult choir, our children's music program or multigenerational Christmas caroling. We welcome soloists and instrumentalists of all ages and often partner with musicians from other churches to provide new musical experiences for our church and community. With narration and an orchestra, our annual Christmas cantata is a beautiful and meaningful choral celebration of the birth of Christ.


Interested in becoming part of our choir? Meet us in the sanctuary on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. If you would like for your child or grandchild to participate in Children's Choir, join our music director Jim Johnson on Sundays at 9 am.

50+ Club

The 50+ Club is an opportunity for seniors who are still young at heart to enjoy fellowship, games, meals, trips and guest speakers.  The club meets one Saturday per month. (Check out a bulletin or ask a member for details.) Whether they are visiting a pumpkin patch, learning about the process of making honey, watching a movie or enjoying devotions with their peers, this group knows how to have a good time. Cedar Grovians and friends of the community are always welcome!

50+ ladies_edited
50+ again_edited_edited_edited


The mission of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. They carry out this life-changing mission with women and girls of all ages. Our ladies gather monthly in one of four groups for devotions, business and fellowship, and quarterly as one large group for Bible studies, service projects and hobbyist activities. They serve in the church by preparing communion and other meals, caring for others during times of bereavement, leading worship and sponsoring activities such as Relay for Life. Join them soon -- and bring a friend!

WELCA group 2
WELCA logo

Lutheran Men in Mission

By God's grace, the mission of the Lutheran Men in Mission is to build men's faith, relationships and ministry through men's events, the resources we produce and ongoing leadership development. Our men meet once a month for devotions, business and fellowship. They serve in the church by preparing meals, leading worship, preparing and delivering fruit baskets during the holiday season, setting up for Advent and constructing ramps for shut-ins and baptismal chests for our newest members. They'd love for you to join their efforts!

Advent Set-up 1
Halloween - dinner
LMM ramp
Let us know how you would like to serve.
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Thank you. We'll be in touch soon!

Church Service Opportunities


Maybe you prefer doing behind-the-scenes work. If so, you may like to fold bulletins or care for our youngest children in the nursery. Maybe you can't attend our small groups but want to make our worship services special. Then providing altar flowers, preparing communion,  or reading lessons may be ways you can serve. Let us know your interest by filling out the form, and we'll let you know of available dates. We appreciate your willingness to contribute!

Cedar Grove



1220 Cedar Grove Road

Leesville, SC 29070 

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@2020 by Cedar Grove Lutheran Church 

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